Friday, June 12, 2009

It begins here.

I have toyed with this idea of a blog for a long time. I have valuable words to say, we shall see if anyone has any desire to hear them. I may not always be popular, but I will speak my heart, make people think, be faithful to my beliefs, offend more than a few, hopefully inspire a few more, and always say what I truly believe to be the truth.

I am a child of God, a wife, a mother, own a business. I have had cancer, married my high school sweetheart wannebe (he had a crush on me in high school, completely unbeknownst to me), bought a house, lost a house, lived my vows, voted my conscience, loved much, lost some, had rich years, had lean years, and learned that God does not always give us what we want, but he gives us what we need. Am I success? Absolutely not, by the world's standards. But, I am God-fearing, conservative, hard working, faithful, honest, practical, emotional, intelligent woman that battles extra pounds, liberals, immorality, stupid people, a failing body (damn that arthritis). As long as I seek God first, His Kingdom, righteousness, and wisdom, I will be OK.

I will blog on politics (Obama needs to go NOW), money (never enough but learning to slash the fat anywhere I can), my faith, those that I love, and my life. On life in general.

I hope you will come along for the ride.

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