Sunday, November 10, 2013


Today I am grateful for the changing seasons. 

Fall is so beautiful here, bright colored leaves, crisp air, apples and pumpkins and the smell of smoke in the air from wood stoves and fireplaces.  All the seasons are so symbolic of God's love for us, he loves us so much that He not only gave us His Son, but the seasons are a moving display of His majesty and creation.

Summer is warm and active, we work hard outside and enjoy the evenings as they cool down and we can watch the beauty of the stars.  Clear days watching the ocean waters come in and go out, hiking in the mountains, walking alongside cool streams, fishing, swimming, driving along beautiful country roads.  It reminds me of Christ walking along the streets of Jerusalem with the disciples, the Sermon on the Mount, feeding the crowds, sailing on the sea with the disciples, touching those that needed to feel the hand of God to be healed and were forgiven of their sins.  Summer to me is the fullness of life that Christ had while He walked among the people.

Fall, life is winding down, the trees are shedding the leaves that have kept us cool in breezes, cooled our homes, animals scurry to put food away for the winter, we break down our outdoor lives and put it all away, and if we're smart, we bundle up, strike a fire, and enjoy the cool nights and leaves floating around.  Fall is my favorite time.  It's like the world is winding down for a long nap.  It's that time between putting your child to bed and when they actually go to sleep.  The end of fall reminds me of Christ carrying his cross along the Via Dolorosa (Latin,"Way of Grief", "Way of Sorrows", "Way of Suffering" or simply "Painful Way"), then on up to Golgotha, the hill on which his cross was placed as he was crucified.  We put the world to rest in the fall, as He prepared to spend three days in the tomb.

Winter is cold.  If you live here in the Pacific Northwest, it's dark and rainy, it can be dreary, but that's why I think our falls and springs are so beautiful.  We know what was, we know what is coming.  In Colorado the days are bright and crisp and the cold sucks the air out of you on really cold days and then with the snap of a finger, you can have 18 inches of snow in the ground.  Crystal powdery flakes that shimmer and sparkle, like God dumped millions upon millions of diamonds over everything.  Winter for me reminds me of the the three days that Christ lay in the tomb, conquering death and hell and was preparing to rise again.

Spring.  Bursting forth with flowers, buds on trees, cool mornings, chilly evenings, rain showers, beautiful billowing clouds and fluffy displays of afternoon sunlight after a rainstorm.  April in Oregon is wonderful.  The new flowers bursting up and new leaves bursting out on the limbs are symbolic to me of Christ coming out of the tomb and bringing His beauty with Him.  The newness of growth is the growth of Christ in us as we celebrate His resurrection and victory over the death of winter. 

God gave us the seasons to enjoy His masterful, artful hand, to savor His creation, and to see His Son and life as Christ lived.  I'm SO grateful for the beautiful seasons!

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