Friday, August 22, 2014

Living Loud

The louder you live your faith, the harder the slams from the world are going to be. This last five or six days have truly been hell. I won't go into details but your children--when a heart is broken, yours shatters. When the man you love is in pain and in tears, you die 1,000 deaths wishing you could take the pain from him. When the enemy steals your peace through the ONE thing he knows will send you right over the edge into panic, he will do whatever it takes to see to it you are shattered. When He uses you for the Kingdom and he KNOWS you will weather the storm to His glory, no matter HOW bad the blows come at you, the reward of peace is all that much sweeter. I refuse to be broken unless I am sweetly broken by His mercy and grace. I will not allow the slings and arrows of the enemy to pierce my heart because I know that there is a heart stronger than mine that beats eternally and can sustain me through the darkest of days. I HAVE to believe that eternity is precious enough to fight through the world's darkness and when I hang full on to that belief, the noise of the fight dims in the whisper of peace.

I am YOURS, Father. My children are YOURS. My husband is YOURS. Use us as You will.

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