Saturday, May 28, 2016

Memorial Day 2016

This last week, the week leading up to Memorial Day, of all weeks he could have visited, Obama toured Japan and made his usual tasteless and degrading remarks about the United States and how we have conducted ourselves throughout our history in the world's stage. If you are a Bible-believing Christian, you know that the United States does not appear to be mentioned in the book of Revelation. It is a foregone conclusion that the shining nation that led the world for centuries now is tarnished and the light is dimmed. This is happening according to God's own word. I see people every single day worrying and whining themselves into a lather about restoring the US to what it once was, and that simply cannot and will not happen. The Bible foretold, thousands of years ago, what must happen, and it is happening, to the letter. I'm sorry if this harshes your mellow, but read your Bible. It's all there. America has been a wonderful, beautiful country and has blessed countless millions of people, both those that have lived here in America, and those around the world.  We are right to celebrate and commemorate the military men and women that have fought and died to keep us free.  But America, as a nation, is quickly disintegrating and I’m sorry for this to be our reality, but there is nothing we can do to save it.  Only those of us blessed enough to call ourselves Americans can be saved.  Why is our beloved country quickly disappearing from the world as we knew it?

God never intended us to fall in love with our country. He wished for us all to fall in love with HIM and then watch what goodness and blessing would follow. Sadly, the gift of free will led many to seek the gloss and glimmer of this world and its leader, the enemy, and we now see before us every day what that has given to us as a nation:

Hedonism and sexual promiscuity. Watch one night of television or streaming shows online and sex is usually the storyline with other situations tossed in to keep a show from being nothing more than 60 minutes of pure porn.  What was designed by God to allow us to procreate and enjoy the intimacy of the marital bed (I know, I sound like Dana Carvey’s Church Lady and yes, I laughed at her myself back in the day but now I understand.  I’m more like her than I’m like the person that laughed at her all those years ago and I apologize to no one for that.  I’m proud of it.) is now used as a tool in story lines where, really, there is no story line for it, it’s just thrown in as an afterthought.  Teenage promiscuity, marital infidelity, spousal abuse, the marital bed and the institution of marriage are the true victims here, of an influence by the darkness of this world to cheapen a gift from God to us. We lead the world in televised smut.  Congrats.

Fifty-seven million babies ripped apart in the womb to be discarded into garbage bags and off to the incinerator, all in the name of "choice", another word that allows women to escape the responsibility of keeping their legs closed and escaping the biblical desire of men and women honoring the marital bed and honoring sex as a gift from Him for marriage. Margaret Sanger, a disgusting woman who embraced the teachings of eugenics, or “sanitizing” the races--eliminating “dirty” races, such as blacks and Jews--formed Planned Parenthood (along with supporters in her beliefs such as Katharine Hepburn’s parents, strident Marxists).  Planned Parenthood is the American equivalent of Molech, the god of child sacrifice. 

Men lusting after men, and women trading natural affections for men towards other women. These acts are an abomination in the eyes of God, yet they insist that He made them this way. Why would He make you in such a way that is clearly stated is an abomination in His own eyes? God does NOT contradict Himself, yet they insist that He does, that they would live a life pleasing to themselves and not Him. Homosexuality is a deception created by the master of all lies, Satan.  In every state in the country now same-sex marriage is allowed.  The LGBTQ screamers, a MINISCULE portion of our society, has destroyed livelihoods and families with their rabid insistence that we accept their lifestyle choices and if you dare to stand up to them and assert your faith, you’re hate-filled, evil, intolerant, mean-spirited, and unholy because doesn’t your God tell us that we need to love one another?  We can love one another all day long.  Doesn’t mean I HAVE to agree with or approve of your choices.

This group of less than 1% of the population that live under a spirit of deception are doing all they can in their power to try and manipulate the rest of us into accepting and living with THEIR choice. We are living under THEIR threat of destroying livelihoods, families, any form of decency, and sometimes, lives, all so that THEY can live a life in direct opposition to God's word. They are the ones living in direct opposition to God's word, yet we are the ones punished as I set out above unless we acquiesce to THEIR demands. It doesn't matter that we ALL have First Amendment rights under our Constitution. THEY are the only ones allowed to speak their "truth" and if we speak ours, we are arrested, jailed, bullied, and destroyed for standing up for ours. The tolerance is there but only if we drink THEIR Kool-Aid and believe their lies.

Our police forces, nationwide, are now living in a state of heightened awareness, understanding that securing the badge to their uniform could mean they end up in a body bag at the end of the day. Our first responders live with a target on their backs and/or heads, with thugs and trash roaming our streets abusing anyone and everyone they can, destroying all that lies in their sight, with the assurance that should they be caught and incarcerated, the liberal mainstream media will come to their rescue and eviscerate the police that arrested them. The general public is now not only in danger from criminals, we are now equally in danger of the press that devotedly stand in the corner of the very criminals that are being strengthened by the deafening silence that flows from our Department of Justice and the White House. When the president has a bestie that once bombed a police station, whose only regret was that more police weren't killed, do we really expect him to stand in front of a television camera to decry the brutality of the criminal element in this nation? For years our borders have been slowly and quietly dissolved, allowing a world-wide criminal element to pour into our land, a criminal element that makes the current residential scum on our streets look like extras from Sesame Street. I promise you, the deafening silence you hear now is only getting louder and louder. You're now on your own when it comes to protecting you and yours and the police are restrained from doing anything to help you.  And if you do protect yourself and your family by exercising your Second Amendment rights, you are faced with lawsuits filed by the family members of the deceased thug or you face arrest and jail by a zealous, ignorant police chief looking to slobber all over the behinds of the thugs, a police chief standing in front of the cameras of the liberal media wanting to usher in social justice according to our Department of Justice and the White House. 

Bibles were banished from school rooms long ago. The Pledge of Allegiance has quietly been erased from morning school room routines, displays of the Ten Commandments have been destroyed or removed, many times by court order. Even crude handmade crosses, designed to remember loved ones that died on our nation’s roads, are under attack from athiest organizations. No semblance of the cross exists anywhere in this nation without living under attack by athiests, a group of people that spend obscene amounts of money and time fighting against something they don't believe in and don't believe exists. The irony is suffocating. Yet they are given more air time and understanding than Christians who simply observe the cross as a symbol of love and obedience. 

Our military, the finest in the world, has been pared down, sliced up, ridiculed, downsized, and this administration is dying to turn our military forces over to the United Nations to be UN Peace Keepers.  This current administration, with intense hatred for our men and women in uniform, has stretched our forces thinner than frog skin, some of our soldiers serving 6-7 tours of the worldwide theater of combat, year after year.  They come home, loaded to the hair follicles with PTSD, hoping to come home to intact families and thriving bases.  Instead, they come home to families splintered because they were gone for years to keep you and I safe, and military bases either shut down or the sites of mass shootings by Muslim infiltrators.  They come home to find a Veterans’ Administration that is woefully incapable caring for our soldiers in a meaningful, expeditious way, and a head of the VA remarking that waiting for a VA doctor or medical decision is no worse than waiting for a ride at Disneyland.  We are sending billions of dollars to Saudi Arabia to renovate Muslim mosques but we have tens of thousands of homeless vets.  Veteran suicides are at an epidemic high.  We are celebrating the remembrance of our men and women this weekend, and from the way things look from my seat, the battles here at home with PTSD, a dismissive administration, a VA in shambles, and the staggering amount of suicides are FAR greater than the battles they face overseas.  At least with the battles around the world, the enemy has a face, and it is, by and large, Islam.  Back home, the face of the enemy is their own government, and sometimes that is a FAR worse enemy to battle than the one you leave home to fight.

Bible believing Christians know that there is no greater love in the scriptures than the love of God for his precious Israel.  The Jews have, from the beginning, been His chosen people.  Israel became a nation again in 1948 and until that date, the land that Israel once occupied was nothing but arid desert.  Once Israel officially became a recognized nation, the desert began blooming and Israel has become the richest country in the world when it comes to scientific innovation, farming, food, education, and medicine.  Some of the most brilliant minds in the world hail from Israel and today, aside from Jordan and King Abdullah, Israel is our biggest ally in a part of the world that houses the largest concentration of the hatred that is Islam.  This current administration has effectively told Israel to go play with itself, the Obama administration’s hatred of Israel so palpable you can almost taste it.  Can’t figure out why our country is being hammered with weather disaster after natural disaster after financial disaster after cultural disaster after…… know.  It goes on and on. 

Read Genesis 12:2-3.  “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.      I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

Those were the words of God to Abraham.  If you read them carefully you will see His intent.  Israel has indeed been blessed when it comes to prosperity and innovation and creativity.  Israel has most definitely blessed many around the world.   Those that wish to see her destruction make no bones about raining bombs and attacks down on her and they are dealt with harshly.  Those of us (the United States) that have chosen to take a giant dump on Israel by whatever means the dump has taken are feeling God’s wrath for the decisions of this administration.  God doesn’t mess around when it comes to Israel.  This is another reason America’s stature in the world is quickly waning.  Our leaders have chosen, quite brazenly, to turn against the only true ally we have ever known in that region of the world.  America is disappearing quickly because the protective hand of God has been removed and it’s open feeding season on our once-prolific and great country. 

This weekend, instead of throwing hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill and getting stupid drunk because you can, how about spending time in prayer.  Deep, repentant, reflective, heartfelt prayer.   The scriptures are clear on our future.  The United States does not appear in prophecy.  We are currently neck-deep in prophecy and it is with excited anticipation that believers watch the daily events of the world to see how much closer we are to seeing God’s prophetic word be fulfilled.  It is the rest of the country that doesn’t believe in either God or His word that are left wallowing in anxiety over what is going on and wondering what can be done to salvage this nation. 

In a word:  Nothing.

Nothing but PRAY.  Pray for those running for office, whether you like them or not.  Our country needs someone that isn’t going to ram socialism down our throats , but rather, someone that will put OUR needs and OUR best interests first, protect the citizens that vote him into office, rather than protecting the PAC that lines his pockets or the biggest wallet that offers money for favors.  Pray that our next leader will honor our military men and women by treating them with the respect and honor they are due.  They are doing the jobs most would never make any attempt to do.  Pray that we have a leader that respects God’s word and respects God’s will for each of us.  Pray that we have a leader that will uphold the Constitution that favors us ALL as Americans, and not just a few of the loudest and most obnoxious voices that drown out all the rest to make sure that THEIR agenda is heard and to hell with what everyone else wants. 

Pray that ALL of our new leaders will set an example by praying themselves and will not be afraid to let the world see him or her praying.  This is the weekend for showing appreciation to our military that have fought and died so that we DO have the right to vote for the leader or leaders we want, not the leaders that we “vote” for as we’re led by machine gun to polling places to “vote”.

The United States began with the purest of intentions and with the blessing of God.  He gave this to us.  Our rights came not from kings or governments, but from Him.  We have, through our free will, again given to us by God, crapped on everything that was handed to us.  The VERY least we owe Him is repentant prayer, asking His forgiveness and wisdom for what we CAN do with the time remaining.  THAT is what this somber, reflective weekend should be used for.  Nothing wrong with hot dogs, hamburgers, and barbeques, as long as we pray and give thanks to the one from whom all blessings flow, and as long as we pray and give thanks to those that died so we CAN enjoy those blessings given to us.

Happy Memorial Day and to all our military personnel, past and present, thank you is not enough, but it is all I have.  THANK YOU.

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