Sunday, February 10, 2013

Let me entertain you.....

I'm not a huge television watcher.  Used to be, not so much anymore.  After I started the wedding calligraphy 12 years ago my time for watching television disappeared.  Now, it's only after Ali's in bed, Mike's ready to wind down for the night, the dishes are washed, orders are organized, dogs have peed, cats are ready for bed, that's when I sit down to surf the channels for a bit and see what garbage awaits my mind.  Thankfully, I can't stand the Kardashians (dammit, Bruce, grow a pair and get your woman in line, for the love of all that is holy!), Honey Boo Boo makes me want to scrub with Ajax, and that's just my EYES, and I'm documentaried and reality-showed out of my mind.  But the past several years, some REALLY good stuff has been created and it was always at the times I was busiest, putting the child and the day to bed. 

I'm not one for chick flicks or chick shows.  Not only can I not remember the names of the shows I've taken a look at and turned off because they were so insipid and ridiculous, I'm THANKFUL I can't remember the names of them.  Seemed like I hit a dry spell for anything that was intelligently written, interesting, and relevant.  My tastes might surprise some people, but I know the world isn't a pretty place full of kind people.  They're out there, but we live in dark times.  A show that will work on that premise and be intelligent is going to keep me ever so much more interested than something along the lines of Romy & Michelle's Class Reunion.  Although that was absolutely hilarious.

I didn't start watching 24 until season five.  It's like sitting down on the rollercoaster car, dropping the bar in front of you and HANG ON.  I LOVE, LOVE this show.  The writing was really clever (except how many times can you hear "What are you trying to tell me--he's a terrorist?"?  They really overused that "Are you trying to tell me......" a LOT).  But still, it's racing with your hair on fire furious and who doesn't love Keifer Sutherland blowing away terrorists?  By season seven I was like, "Good God, how much torture can one man endure?"  Apparently, a LOT.

So I bought all eight seasons of 24 on DVD.  I like to pop them in while working on calligraphy.  After all, nothin' says lovin' like the sound of bullets blazing from whatever weapon Jack Bauer is using.  All in the name of defending our country.

Then I found Touch, also with Keifer Sutherland.  I only saw one or two episodes online last year until this last weekend when I started watching the remainder of Season One.  It's FABULOUS.  I love the pulling together of several different lives all touched by circumstances and it all starts with his autistic child's discovery of a sequence of numbers.  MASTERFUL.  In 24 Sutherland was "take charge and dodge my bullets".  He wrote the rules as he went along, and broke them to suit his purpose.  This time his character has to obey the rules or lose his son.  It's heartbreaking to watch his understanding of his son come through in facial shots--you see that moment of, "I get it!  Jake, now I see what you were trying to tell me!" without his mute son saying a word.  I don't know who the little boy is that plays Jake but his face is exquisite.  I love how Martin Bohm gets to convey the emotions of the face and reach out to show compassion where before Jack Bauer shot first and asked questions later.  The story lines are so intelligent and complex, like life.  And as I'm going episode through episode, I see story lines starting to join episodes together.  It's masterful.

The Booth at the End.  I loved Xander Berkeley in 24.  In this show, he's a mysterious man that sits in the same booth in a diner every day, with a steady stream of people in and out of the seat across from him.  They've heard that he can grant them a wish but they have to be willing to do whatever task he gives them, even if the task goes against everything they believe morally, scripturally, emotionally, every way.  And again, all of the stories in one way or another wind themselves throughout each other.  It's a creepy premise--who is this man and how does he have the power to grant these wishes?  Who is he to ask someone take the life of another if that means the person's wish is granted?  Makes you question yourself, morally, as to what YOU would do if you had a desire of the heart and you were asked to do the unthinkable to make it happen. 

Revolution was another good one.  Again, weaving "what had been before" story lines through "what is happening now" and doing so with good writing, characters you either stand and shout in support of, or wish you could run over the villains with your car.  Smart story and entirely plausible in this day and age we live in with the threat of EMP's flying around.

The Following with Kevin Bacon.  Fast-paced, intelligently written.  Again, bring the past and what was into the present and what is.  Gruesome and graphic, yes, but then again, life is from time to time the same way.  The plot of the story could very well happen at the drop of a dime.  In fact, look over the past several years' of news stories and you'll find serial killers all over the place.  What I LOVE about this show is you don't KNOW who is and isn't a follower or has been affected by the villain, a scumbag that develops a cult of followers who are more than happy to do his murderous job for him.  Right now, there are three characters I'm watching in this show that I'm on the fence about.  Could be his followers, maybe not.  But I'm enjoying watching the show to find out.  Someone said that Kevin Bacon wasn't aging very well.  He's in his 50's, lost a ton of money to investments he made with Bernie Madoff, I don't want Wren from Footloose leading me through this storyline.  The crows feet and lines in his face lend beautifully to the stress of the dead and dying in this show.  It's not for the faint of heart, but I love it.

I am not a stupid person.  I can think and appreciate a show that recognizes that and writes a story as such.  Friends was funny, but the writing was terrific.  I'm not captivated by eye candy.  I want a story and writing that makes me think, has twists and turns, impresses me with weaving the story lines in and out of each other.  Please, take Kim Kardashian and ship her off to Miami or wherever she needs to go.  Just give me intelligent shows and Hulu and leave me alone.

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