Saturday, June 21, 2014


Alison and I ventured out to find a few items to stretch her wardrobe. All that was needed was shorts and capris. Apparently that was way too much to ask.

I have a girl that will be ten in August and is 5'4" and wears a women's 10-11 shoe. She is not teeny and delicate like her sister. She's got a beautiful figure, a set of hips, beautiful straight back, shoulders always pulled back, legs that stretch on forever. The only zero she will ever wear will be the zero next to the 1 in her shoe size. I have tried to raise her with a sense of modesty and to be proud of how God made her. In this world, that's a nearly impossible effort. The world wants to debase our children and make them profane glitter wearing little sluts that look like they could turn tricks on a corner and act like sex-starved nymphs. On the other hand, Alison has a good sense of self. When she enters a room, she doesn't see an entire room with kids smaller than she is. She sees friends. She doesn't care that she can see clearly the part in everyone's hair. She knows she's welcomed and loved no matter where she goes. Her sister was the same way. She always entered a room with a smile and knew she was loved. I am VERY lucky both girls had that mental strength. 

While perusing the racks of clothes at a store, Ali was becoming more and more disenchanted with the offerings. 

"Sheesh, mom, I just want to find a nice pair of shorts. I don't want to look like I'm advertising anything. I want to dress modestly and nicely. It's going to come to a point where I end up making and designing my own clothes!" Necessity is the mother of invention, sweet girl. You may very well end up doing just that and being the envy of all the other girls you know that have to buy the same clothes off the rack and they all look the same. You can tailor your clothes to fit you and your body and your attitude and not line the pockets of someone that throws together crap just to make a buck. There's a line from Absolutely Fabulous from Patsy. "That skirt's so short if she bent over the world would be her gynecologist." That just about describes every single thing we looked at for shorts. Or as Ali put it, "Look, mom, denim panties."

Two stores and a lot of disappointment later, we went to Goodwill where INSTANTLY we located a pair of jeans shorts and a pair of capris. Next, to a store where she found a nice pair of tennis shoes. She's a very simple young lady. No froof needed. She's the one that wants to live on a farm and whose greatest aspiration in life is to be a mom and wife. She knows dressing like the world will not go over with dad and that guides her choices. She answers ultimately to dad and God. If more parents would make that same requirement instead of trying to be their child's friend, maybe we wouldn't need to comb through rack after rack of clothes that make young girls look like Hooters girls during the day and call girls at night.

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