Sunday, July 6, 2014

Conservative v. Liberal

Conservative v. Liberal

Conservatives see possibility.  Liberals see limitations.

Conservatives see opportunities.  Liberals see more work than they want to take on.

Conservatives see logic.  Liberals can't see through a cloud of emotion. 

Conservatives see potential.  Liberals see problems.

A conservative is at point A and wants to get to point B.  Begin walking.  Even if there are mountains and oceans between you and what you want, begin walking.  You will eventually end up at your desired destination and sometimes, another hill arises in your walk that takes you to an even BETTER place than the destination you wanted to go in the first place.

A liberal is at point A and wants to get to get to point B.  Sit down and cry about having the disadvantage of your sex, your race, your sexual orientation, your humble beginnings, your lack of opportunity and wait until someone picks you up and carries you to point B.  Unfortunately, you may be waiting a very, very long time and in that time, you'll be watching your conservative counterpart arriving at his destination years before you will.  Sucks to be you.

Conservatives see someone in a high position in a company and decide they want a high position in a company so they either go to college to get the training and education they will need and are willing to start out in the mail room and work their way up.  OR, they begin their own company and surround themselves with people willing to work as hard as they are willing to work, and as they rise, they bring others up with them.  Success is more fun when shared with people that stood behind you all the way to the top.

Liberals see someone in a high position and whine that it's not far someone is in a higher position than they are.  They don't want to start out at minimum wage, they think they should be paid a living wage no matter how hard they do or don't work.  Life isn't fair.  People aren't fair.  Circumstances aren't fair.  Beginnings aren't fair.  Being fair is a HUGE thing to liberals.  Everything has to be fair.  Level the playing field so everyone has the same, no one has  more than anyone else so no one feels badly about what they don't have. 

That's called socialism.

Conservatives see capitalism as a good thing.  Capitalism is business and commerce and using your brain and your talents to make money.  With a few exceptions, most business builders (not to be confused with a business owner.  Anyone can OWN a business if you fill out the right forms to file with the state.  A BUSINESS BUILDER is someone not content to merely be called the owner of a business, but is willing to invest every cell of their being into their business to and be accountable for all that happens, good or bad.) are conservatives.  They had an idea or saw an opportunity, knew they could do it.  They rolled up their sleeves and jumped in feet first, making sacrifices along the way. 

My uncle and aunt are BUSINESS BUILDERS.  They had a dream and they worked night and day for years.  They made money and they lost money but they took responsibility for everything, good and bad, and embraced the opportunities as they came.  My mother watched them with scorn for all the years my father worked for my uncle and complained that they went on trips to Hawaii and vacations as a family, complained that they had things she and my dad didn't have.  My aunt and uncle were willing to work hard and take risks.  My mother has spent her entire life living in fear of failing was content working for someone else for much less money but complained and whined about not having anything.  Conservative v. liberal.  Whining is huge.

Liberals see capitalism and commerce as something bad.  Something that needs apologizing for throughout the world.  Remarkably, though, some liberals make buttloads of money (read:  Michael Moore and his franchises of documentaries.  The man is worth MILLIONS yet decries the disgust of capitalism and the successes of the very country that allowed him to be successful.  Liberals can be quite confusing and many times, I don't even know if THEY know how ridiculous they are to the rest of us.) and do everything they can to apologize for it.  Who apologizes for making money?  Liberals.  They placate their guilt by spearheading what they call philanthropy, donating tons of money to causes usually outside our country, like saving the Amazon rain forests so they're more palatable in the eyes of other liberals that watch them closely to see what they do with their excesses.  They must feel good about themselves at all costs.  Guilt is a common ingredient in the lives of liberals.

Conservatives see our education system as broken, flawed, indoctrinating, lacking, failing.  Conservatives see early childhood as the place to begin teaching your child the basics of reading, language, morals.  Mom and dad are the first teachers of children, and those early years are full of character lessons and learning respect for your peers.  Homeschooling has picked up steam exponentially over the years because parents are seeing how keeping a close eye on what goes into your child's mind actually feeds them and teaches them something.  Conservatives understand that the three R's and moral and character building are infinitely more beneficial to their child than reading about Heather's Two Mommies and Penelope's Trip to Planned Parenthood. 

Liberals see our education system as an opportunity to indoctrinate children to think like failures. Liberals see early childhood as a time to put kids into Head Start and separate them from mommy and daddy so they can have their minds molded into thinking like little liberals, little victims. Everyone gets a participation trophy, there are no winners or losers.  The L word:  Loser.  Losing is good.  It teaches you to try harder next time.  Liberals can't have losers because they don't want you to try harder than anyone else and be better than anyone else.  Level playing field, remember?  Teach them that if all else fails, you can sign up for food stamps and welfare and let the system take care of you, cradle to grave.  Liberals see our public education system as a way to build voting rolls for the Democratic party. 

Unless you have considerable inner strength and can get through college actually learning to think and earn a useful degree like Criminal Psychology (proud to say my daughter is pursuing that degree beautifully), about the only thing our colleges are turning out are anti-war protestors and names on the unemployment and food stamp rolls.  Four year degrees are a springboard to heading out into the world to build an empire and make a good life for yourself and your family, not majoring in Underwater Lesbian Basket Weaving or the Elizabethan Languages so you can spend mommy and daddy's hard-earned money spent on your college tuition protesting the mysterious 1% and taking dumps on cop cars in major cities across the country, protesting while wearing Nike hats, Columbia Sportswear sweatshirts, planning protests on your Apple iPad, and connecting with your fellow protestors on your Apple iPhones.  Protest the corporations while wearing everything and using everything from the corporations. 

Did I say hypocrisy is a benchmark of liberalism?  There.  I just did.

Conservatives want the borders closed YESTERDAY.  My maternal grandfather immigrated to this country from Ireland early in the last century.  He came in through legal channels, having a sponsor, learning the language, filing all the appropriate paperwork, becoming an American citizen.  He built a successful life for himself.  Conservatives don't have a problem with LEGAL immigration.  But pour over the borders illegally and bring your diseases and pestilences and crime and ignorance with you and we will have a HUGE problem with that.  My mother, a liberal, looks emotionally at this.  The Mexicans "belong here.  They have every right to our happiness."  Bzzzt.  Wrong answer.  Come through the proper legal channels, show us you want to abide by our rules and work hard to be an AMERICAN, you're welcome.  Any other way is unacceptable to a conservative. 

Liberals like open borders.  Eliminating the excellence and high standards of America is key to them.  Apologize to the world and level the playing field, don't let our country be greater than any other country.  You don't see Americans piling on rafts to Cuba, do you?  America is excellent for a reason.  Read the Constitution and see why.  Our freedoms create success.  To liberals, you can't be a success because no one can achieve anything more than anyone else because they don't want you to feel bad about failing.  Liberal think is a dog chasing its tail.  Eventually the dog gets dizzy and sick and pukes and there you have a liberal trainwreck:  Confusion and vomit.  And you can't have anyone cleaning up the vomit because it may make someone feel bad about themselves that they're the one that has to clean up vomit. 

Conservatives celebrate our country's early years and the men that led us here.  Conservatives celebrate the courage and strength it took to come to a strange land, suffer and die for a cause called freedom and opportunity.  Were it not for them we'd all have bad teeth and still be having tea and crumpets at 4:00 every afternoon instead of knocking back a beer and a hotdog at a ball park and hearing the crack of the bat against a ball, standing with hats over hearts and singing the Star Spangled Banner at the beginning of sporting events.

Liberals decry the selfishness of our founding fathers for wanting to leave England to come over and take this country from the native Indians, most of which weren't "native" to this place at all, but they themselves actually migrated here like we did.  Liberals feel the need to apologize to everyone for everything, resulting in scores and scores of blacks demanding apologies and recompense for slavery, something not ONE of them actually had to endure.  But we apologize to them anyway, burying the fact that that the very first slave owner was ACTUALLY a black man.  Yeah, that isn't taught in schools.  They only hear that crackers want to keep the black man down and that's enough gas to pour on their indignant fire do they can riot and overturn cars in the name of equality.

The BEST comparison of conservatives and liberals I ever heard was this:

You're out in the ocean in a boat.  The boat sinks.  A conservative rows a boat out to within 30 feet from you, tosses you a life ring, and expects you to swim to it, grab the ring, and swim the rest of the way back to shore.

A liberal rows out to you while you're floating in the water.  Another liberal jumps in the water, swims to you, has you jump on their back, grabs a rope tied to the boat, and they're both towed back to shore.

Which one are you?  Conservative or liberal?  Figure it out and you will know without any doubt just how far you will go in life.

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