Thursday, July 10, 2014


From time to time, I pull in feelers from the world and shut that world out, needing peace and quiet while I think over life issues.  Hello to that time, I'm back.  I'm tired of social media and all the stupidity that goes along with it.  Taking a break refreshes the soul and reminds you that there is a silent partner you take for granted, God.  He will never leave you nor forsake you, as He tells you in the scriptures, but He can go dark (silent) sometimes while He waits for you to turn your face away from yourself and the world and turn back to Him.  Then there are times when He gets tired of waiting and just stands in front of you and SMACK! you run right into Him and He says, "Now that I have your attention, let's talk."  I've had SMACK! more times than I care to remember and this time I turned to Him without having to walk into Him.

There are also times when I have to just tune the world out from all the murders, attacks, nations fighting nation.  Having done through the murder of a loved on, that changed me forever.  I don't have the absorption I used to, taking in news story after news story and not letting it bother me.  I know the world is ugly and dark and I can do nothing to change that, this side of heaven.  But I CAN turn if off from my senses for a while and focus on my family.  I am doing just that.  Alison has given and given and given.  Yesterday, thanks to her sister, we were able to enjoy the first day of a two month summer pass at Kroc Center and as we walked down the steps into the pool, I saw that young lady light up like she hasn't in a long time--she was in water again, she was at home.  Happy, throwing herself around in the water, standing under the tipping cups of water, in and out of the water, up the stairs to the water slide, she made a new friend, a boy named Chris, and they played in the water and had a great time.  Even I attempted the water slide and I assure you, a grown woman sliding down three stories of water slide and shooting into a pool of water--quite a sight to see but it was soooooo fun!  I hit the water at the bottom and became disoriented for a second but once I surfaced, victorious!  Many more days will be spent there until our pass runs out and hopefully by then the scholarship I applied for will be approved and we can keep going. 

Mike has to make a hard decision about his leg.  We have a man to talk to about orthotics and that will help formulate his decision.  He's in so much pain right now.  No quality of life whatsoever.  This was not the way we expected things to turn out, but you can't anticipate the way things have happened. 

Lord, I'm tired.  Bone tired, worn out, peace is hard to come by.  I need YOU.  I need to wrap myself in the folds of Your robe and never come out.  Right now, You are my life ring and all I have.  Maranatha, Father.  Maranatha.

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