Saturday, July 5, 2014

When it's time to walk away.....

December 2003, a young girl contacted us through friends.  She was looking for her dad.  Mike.  He'd left when she was five.  He'd married her mother, who for all intents and purposes saw Mike as an opportunity to get out out of the house.  She got pregnant so he did what he thought was the right thing and married her.  Her parents were Salvation Army chaplains and they'd managed to raise six of the most worthless kids ever to draw a breath.  Unfortunately, one of them became Mike's wife.  Were it not for some of his friends, of whom I've spoken to, verifying the stories he's told me I wouldn't believe that one person could wreak that much havoc people's lives.  By the time he drove out of Kansas he'd lost his career, his house, his self-esteem, everything.  He was a broken as a man could be.  Hearing his friends all these years relate more stories of her destruction stuns the imagination.  She was a lying, thieving, unfaithful, stealing, mountain of chaos.  She refused to allow him to see his daughter.  The one time she needed a break and sent her out to him for three weeks, the child arrived with a head full of lice.  She ended up being absent from much of second grade with lice infestation. 

For ten years after she found her father, each time she'd come into our lives it was stressful and tenuous at best.  She seethes in anger and won't confront the one person responsible for all that chaos and anger in her life:  Her mother.  Her dad spent many hours on the phone talking with her, explaining what happened and why.  He's apologized over and over for how things were ultimately handled.  There comes a time when a man is so broken the only thing he can do is walk away.  He spent the first six months of his life after he left Kansas waking up every morning with a gun in his hand trying to come up with reasons NOT to shoot himself in the head.  After she found us in 2003, there were times of communication and times of being shut out.  We reconnected in 2010 and spent quite a bit of money on her and her children, our grandchildren.  We got to meet them in September 2011 and fell instantly in love with all three of those beautiful kids.  We planned to move out to where they lived to help with the kids while she finished nursing school and her husband worked at his job, but disease struck Mike and he nearly died from flesh eating bacteria.  We had to back out of the move and ultimately, she discovered that having a relationship with anyone is work and decided that we weren't worth the work.  Once again, doors were closed.

Fast forward to May when it was discovered that his daughter had hooked up with his mother, a disgusting woman in and of herself.  That's when this took a turn of hilarity. 

Mike's mom is one of the most evil women I've ever heard of.  I've heard story after story by family members in the know of things she's done.  In fact, a teacher that Mike and I both had for fifth grade verified the story that Mike had shared a few years earlier of a beating she administered to Mike for a theft she alleged he committed, her bar tips disappearing.  Turns out his brother was the culprit, but not before she beat him nearly to death.  He returned to school the next day, bruised, bloodied, wincing with pain at every step.  The teacher saw the welts and hand marks, bruises and skin tears and begged Mike to let him call the authorities.  Mike declined, knowing the result of that phone call would be worse than any punishment she could administer.  She pilfered her own father's bank accounts and wrote checks to herself, draining the money, until she had control of all of it.  She then went to her remaining brother and her sister (sister being equally a piece of human debris) and told them if they divorced their spouses she'd give them each a sizable sum of money from her father's accounts.  Dave, married to his high school sweet heart for over 40 years, told her to shove it.  Her sister accepted the offer, not surprisingly.

We have a ringside seat to one of the biggest freak shows in history.  A girl looking to put the screws to her father, a woman that wants to put the screws to whomever she can, and the girl's mother, equally slimy (literally) in every aspect of her life.  One person using another person using another person using another person.  A trifecta of lies, sleaze, underhandedness, subterfuge, sneakiness, deceit.  It's a three-way storm of something that defies definition.  Each one is about as disingenuous as you can possibly be.  And none of them quite understand how very LITTLE the other cares for any of the others.  It's a race to the finish line for three women that will ultimately destroy no one but themselves in a quest to hurt the one person that won't give any of them the time of day:  My husband. 

Our lives are moving on  We know we will probably never see the grandkids again and as much as that hurts, we accept it in order to gain the peace of mind that comes with not having any one of these people in our lives.  What Mike and I find even more laughable is Laurie's ignorance.  She thinks she's found a friend in her "grandma".  This is a woman that, the minute she was told Laurie's mom was pregnant, made sure she told EVERYBODY that "the kid ain't Mike's."  This was just an attempt to stir controversy and to give Donna (Mike's mom) something to talk about to make her own value seem more important.  "Oh, that poor woman, what her son must be going through, being lied to.  Let's all feel sorry for Donna."  

Neither one of these two, Donna or Laurie, cannot stand not being the center of their own three ring circus.  Sure, she'll say nice things about the photos of the kids, her great-grandkids, but Laurie better hope and pray that she does NOT let her grandmother see a picture of her because her father can hear it now:  All it will be is how fat Laurie is, Laurie's hair is so long and stringy, how she doesn't look like her dad, that's not something from her side of the family, how short she is, how Mike could not possibly be the father, something he's questioned all along himself because she exhibits none of the traits of her father:  The intelligence, the strength, the compassion, courage, common sense.  Donna will go on incessantly to all of her so-called friends, she'll chuckle and all the while make Laurie think that she likes her.  She has a use for Laurie in her life.  How can we say all these things?  Mike was unlucky enough to have Donna as his mother.  He knows this is all just a giant farce and his daughter is too stupid to know what she's messing with.  But that's alright.  We're enjoying the building train wreck that's coming and Laurie, I know that people back door their way into this blog because we know you cannot stand to not have your dad react to your stupidity but guess what?  You're riding the stupid train and we don't care.  You ARE just like your mother and we have no time for any of it.  As a matter of fact, the best Christmas, birthday, and Father's Day gift for your dad would be a paternity test because not only is Alison prettier, smarter, and at age 10, taller than you, I know that she is truly your dad's child, 100%.

We can laugh about and just sit back and watch the meltdowns, which inevitably will come because now, this was the perfect time to just walk away.........

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