Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Imagined Fantasy War on Women

Perhaps all these feminists that have their panties in a wad would like to watch a video of young girls enduring female genital mutilation in foreign countries. THAT is a war on women. THAT is having someone's religion pushed on you, but you don't hear them whining about that because it happens to SOMEONE ELSE. In their myopic little corner of the world, this is all about THEIR rights as sexually active women being denied the right to have their employer pay for the morning after pill so they can screw anyone and anything they like and not have the "burden" of a child to have to worry about.

I'm sure the little girl in Africa or the Middle East having her clitoris and labia sliced through with a shard of glass and stitched closed with a dirty needle and rough thread by someone that hasn't had a second of medical training, all the while enduring this unspeakable agony with absolutely NO anesthetic whatsoever, and then living a life in fear of being doused with acid or doused with gas and set on fire because someone alleges they've done something in appropriate or offended Allah in some imagined way would gladly suffer through the horror of being denied a pill that ends the "burden" that arrives after a night of great, anonymous sex. 

THAT is a war on women.

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